Are Advair Diskus Side Effects Worth The Hassle?

Philip Lindeman, MD Medically reviewed by Philip Lindeman MD-PhD on

3 min read

Advair Diskus side effects may prompt some with lung conditions to seek another form of treatment. While it does have benefits to those with airway illnesses, it is important to ask important questions such as “What is Advair Diskus” or “What are contraindications of Advair Diskus”. Knowing if you may experience any unwanted side effects of Advair Diskus before taking it is an important step to seeking airway treatment.

Advair Diskus (also known as Seretide Diskus) Inhaler is a device recommended for treatment of obstructive airway illnesses such as asthma or emphysema. The appliance can be used by people above the age of 4 with specific dosage adjustments for each patient. The control of symptoms is achieved by regular use and diligent application administered by the affected individual. This type of medication improves lung function while inhibiting the symptoms of the disease at the same time. It also offers more effective protection as its potency lasts up to 12 hours relieving the patient from labored breathing. All patients have to be regularly monitored by their medical provider to assure effectiveness and safety.

Cases of Emergency

Seretide Diskus Inhaler may interact with other medications. It is important to disclose all family and medical history to the treating doctor at the time of first appointment. Although very effective, this medication is not recommended in cases of emergency, but rather for maintenance of bronchial health in conjunction with other prescribed drugs that promote proper breathing.

Practical Use of the Inhaler

It is recommended that the appliance is never taken apart, and that it is disposed of when its dosage has reached its limit. After every use, the mouth should be rinsed with water and expelled after rinsing. The specified dosage should be followed religiously to avoid side-effects. The mouthpiece of the Diskus cannot be exposed to any water and should be kept dry at all times to ensure its efficiency.


Anyone without severe bronchial health conditions may benefit from the use of the inhaler. This long-lasting inhibitor of asthma symptoms has been proven to relax the airways and allow the patients to lead their normal ways of living. However, people with certain health conditions are not advised to use Seretide Diskus Inhaler. These include the following:

  • People with history of diabetes or heart issues

  • People with increased risk for osteoporosis

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women

  • Individuals with recent history of vaccinations or infections

  • Patients with risk of glaucoma


This medication can be obtained by prescription only. It should not be used without medical supervision as the side effects can be severe and can lead to serious health complications. Applied properly, the inhaler can significantly increase the way of life for many individuals who are willing to follow the medical regimen imposed and recommended by their doctor. Becoming educated about the condition and willing to follow the doctor’s instructions may be the very best way to combat the ailment and reverse the existing conditions of chronic breathing diseases. The medication was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2000.

Contact us for more information about Advair Diskus side effects or for Advair Diskus Inhalers.

The content on this page is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice. Patients should not use the information presented on this page for diagnosing a health-related issue or disease. Before taking any medication or supplements, patients should always consult a physician or qualified healthcare professional for medical advice or information about whether a drug is safe, appropriate or effective.