If you’ve found this article, you are probably wondering how to use Nexium For Esophagitis. Erosive esophagitis is a condition that has to do with acid reflux disease. When the acid backs up into the esophagus, the tissues are damaged along the lining. This is known as EE or erosive esophagitis.
The stomach has acid that is designed to digest the food that is eaten on a daily basis. The stomach acid is harsh, but the lining of the stomach is designed to handle it. It is when the acid goes up that there are problems because the lining of the esophagus is different from that of the stomach.
Nexium for Esophagitis
Does Nexium really heal erosive esophagitis? Nexium is used to treat erosive esophagus. It can heal a majority of the erosions within four to eight weeks, depending on the level of severity.
Speaking to a doctor can help a patient learn whether they have erosive esophagitis as a result of heartburn pain and acid reflux. The erosion can then be explored to see just how serious they are. A prescription of Nexium for esophagitis can then be written as a way of providing release and healing the damage.
A doctor is going to look at the symptoms that a person is experiencing. This can include heartburn, acid reflux, difficulty swallowing, nausea and vomiting, sore throat, cough and potentially bad breath.
A gastroenterologist is typically the type of doctor that is going to diagnose erosive esophagitis because they specialized in disorders regarding the gastrointestinal tract. An EGD may be used, which is an endoscope that will examine the esophagus as well as the stomach. Tissue samples may also be obtained via biopsy as a way of assessing the severity of the esophagitis.
When the erosive esophagitis is evident, a doctor is going to look to reduce the acid reflux to ensure that there isn’t continuous acid back up into the esophagus. This is done to ensure that Nexium, when prescribed, is able to take care of the problem once and for all. As opposed to being a temporary solution until the acid makes it back into the lining again.
When erosive esophagitis is diagnosed early enough, it allows a person to heal quickly. This is when Nexium is capable of healing the lining of the esophagus within four weeks’ time, which will not impact a person’s lifestyle change too dramatically. When on the medication, dietary changes may be required so that the esophagus has the chance to heal and minimize the amount of scar tissue that is left behind, which can create more difficulties with swallowing.
Do you still have questions about how Nexium heals the esophagus? Contact one of our experts today!